Wednesday, June 14, 2006



When my father died in 1990 aged 85 I made a photo album of him to assuage the sadness.  The other day, burrowing in a cupboard I found it and what I thought were missing photos.  This photo was taken outside their house in 1922 and Dad second from left was 17 – he was the second youngest.  My two favourites were the one on Dad’s left and Uncle Bill far right.

.  There was a sister but she died young and Grandma died when I was a little girl.  Mum said she thought she could have gypsy blood in her and I remember her always dressed in black shiny material with dangling ear-rings.  The word ‘bombazine’ always reminds me of her and the scratchy horse hair furniture she had.

It must have been hard keeping seven boys so well turned out and Dad said he always remembered the vice-like grip on his head as she wiped their faces clean. All of them were soldiers in WW1 or WW2 except Dad who ran away to join up and was whisked back by Grandma.  He could only have been thirteen.


fjl said...

Don't Patti.

I am going to be collating such an album someday soon. It's a huge loss, the men from the era isn't it? Whatever will we do x

Anonymous said...

Thirteen? That'd be WWI then.

Sensible haircuts. Good.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Your dad did what at 13? How did he manage that? :-D

I never did think of album like that.

Pat said...

andrewm: I always knew your maths were excellent Glad you like the hair cuts. Grandad used to wax his moustache.

GG: I seem to be speaking in song today; 'Nice to have you back where you belong. You're looking swell...'
All dad's older brothers were in the war so he ran off to join up and his mother followed him and told them how old he was. Whether he had convinced them he was old enough I don't know but Grandma made it perfectly clear.

Pat said...

My comment box is going bananas!
andrewm: you always wer good a the maths. Glad you like the haircuts. Granddad use to wax his moustache.

GG: Dad's older brothers had all joined up so he ran off to do the same but Grandma found out and brought him back pronto. Whether he had convinced them he was old enough I don't know but Grandma put them right.


oo-er...puts me in mind of The Godfather does that. Not upsettin' you then!

Pat said...

Felicity: great idea to do the album - you won't regret it and I look forward to seeing it.

Pat said...

4d: you've got me puzzled. Where does the godfather come in? They weren't killers - as far as I'm aware. I'm not upset looking at photos etc as Mum and Dad are always around in my psyche.

fjl said...

It's interesting you should say that. I have all Dad's photo albums, and they are so precious in these last days.

Pat said...

4d: MTL explained its the men in suits.

Pat said...

felicity: I'm sure you would find it therapeutic.