Karen admired my irises. You should see the lawn now - Immaculate!
This is a successful cutting
Losing patience with this peony after 5 years I moved it. You know what they say about peonys - it's true. Karen planted my new one. I'm not taking any chances this time.
lovely garden babe. Just put up a few pics of me jungle....
Actually, I have no idea what they say about Peonies. I hope it's not anything salacious.
I love irises! That color is lovely. Mine are all gone now.
Beautiful, Pat. It's the best time of year for the outdoors, I think - so much in flower, but still fresh and new.
Manic: seen it. It's lovely!
Randall: peonies hate being moved. QED. Salacious? Moi?
Judy: I hope that is 'gone' because they have finished blooming and not just died.
Z: thank you! I think it's all down hill now and I suspect the roses aren't going to be so good this year. Hope I'm wrong.
i love your garden, sugar! i think this year, i'll just stick to potted plants in the courtyard! xox
Your garden looks lovely! By the way, do you know if you can move sunflowers? I potted them indoors, but two are now growing so big I might need to move them to a bigger pot outdoors. I don't know if they'll survive the move though...
savannah: the important thing is to have a pleasant place to sit and sniff and sip - al fresco.
Wont:Thank you. I phoned my expert, Margaret but she's out so the answer is: I'm not sure. I would have thought they would be happier outdoors once the frosts are over. When I move something I'm not sure about I do it at dead of night when they won't notice. That was the mistake I made with the peony. I did it in broad daylight
Your garden's a treat of colour, Pat. A real delight.
hiya. url is -
Always had a soft spot for irises :)
Thanks, I'll give it a go :)
I LOVE seeing ALL the beautiful flowers and plants in your Gaeden, Pat...Those Iris are scrumptious! The color---PERFECT! An English Garden...There is nothing like it.
My dear friend Ron Rifkin put in an English Garden nack in the late 70's...early 80's. I think I took 1000 pictures of it....all slides...I need to get them transfered digitally....I think you would appreciate them more than anyone I know!
Sam: thank you:)
Manic: thanks honey - I'll do it tomorrow when my brain's in gear.
Kim: you like blue don't you?
Wont: hope it works.
Naomi: that would be quite a task but a joy to see.
You tried to move a peony? The devil got ya, didn't it?
We've done little gardening here --water is at a premium. I've put in drought resistant plants, but still... not as pretty as peonies!
Hoss: sometimes I just have to live dangerously!
Kanani: I yearn for my first peony flower. Times running out.
Well it'smore that bluey-purple, although with the bluebells it's really the scent I find so heady
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