These were taken by # 1 son one Christmas some year back. The beauty and the bird life whetted my appetite but I still haven't been. Have you?

Dad back row second from right, Uncle Bill front row second from left. Little boy peering through window Uncle Harold Mum as a mil...
Never been to Florida. The photos are wonderful, it looks like my type of place.
You said the 'C' word, that means I can start!
Nope, never been to anywhere in the US of A. I'd love to see the landscapes, but some other aspects of American life are less appealing to me. Maybe one day.
Beautiful photos, and no, I've never been - but I aim too.
Lom: I SAID THE C WORD??????Where? When? Are you sure? It's just not possible. Please tell me you're joking.
Queenie: there is something magical about one's first trip to the States - particularly if one is a film buff. There's soooo much I haven't seen but I loved New York and Vermont and driving through New England.
Zed: the ice creams looked breath taking too:)
I've been to Florida several times, and yes, it's quite lovely if you can find a spot without crowds. When we were kids in the mid-sixties, we'd go there every summer and we have photos showing miles of empty beach. I returned with my family a few years back and was stunned by the endless rows of hotels and condos. Sad, really.
LOM; yoo little devil! You mean
C-------- don't you?
My niece lives there, the bird life is quite amazing, the blue heron is my favourite bird though.
BEAUTIFUL! I love seeing all the different Birds poking around on the Beach and such....I have been to Florida many many times...Mostly on the East Coasr and Miami and Miami Beach as a child....My parents had a house there and we would stay for the Winter months and go to scholl.
I was on the West Coast--the Gulf Coast only once...Sarasota. It was BEAUTIFUL!
Randall: that seems to happen the world over, but still my son seems to have masses of photos of empty beaches- maybe he rose at crack of dawn - which doesn't sound like him:)
Anna: have you visited? And is the blue heron one of the birds here?
Just call me nature girl:)
Naomi: I was sure I had heard you mention Florida.
Yes the big 'C' word, sorry did I nearly give you an heart attack?
Have been to the southern tip of Georgia,but not Florida!
I've never been! I really do want to go. My cousin has a house there, and she kayaks on the marshes, and sees all sorts of unbelievable wildlife, including manatees. I'm slowly working my way through all the states, and hope to get there eventually!
LOM: I'm keeping my eye on you young lady!
John.g; Isn't that Russia?
Leah: I'd book up next week:)
ooooh I haven't been called young in years, thanks
My goodness, these are so beautiful!
Great fun to visit, although we no longer have 'rashbre south' which was a base in Florida.
I took a small group of pupils there just over a decade ago. The people were very welcoming and the beaches and the Everglades were amazing, but I don't remember seeing a single insect the whole time we were there and no birds either. Like Randall, I found the amount of built up areas frightening, as we flew in I could see nothing but housing all the way to the horizon, but then I am a bit spoilt when it comes to empty country side, and large numbers of insects!
Notesfrom: I find them fascinating.
Rashbre: what a shame if it's no more.
Nea; I asked my son what they found so attractive and the main thing seemed to be the friendly people but how sad that you missed the wild life. I remember worrying about them arriving in Miami when there seemed to be a lot of crime concerning tourists.
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