Could have been this.
A peach tree seems a bit far- fetched - maybe later.
Exotic enough but why do sales never apply to what I'm buying?
I settled for orchids and enjoying trying them out but they'll end up in the sun-room
Dad back row second from right, Uncle Bill front row second from left. Little boy peering through window Uncle Harold Mum as a mil...
Orchids are good!
Orchids are GREAT! I see that lovely "Bird Of Paradise" They are everywhere here---in almost every garden! It certainly is a BEAUTIFUL and unusual Flower!
Nothing wrong with faux plants for those of us with brown thumbs.
They're gorgeous, I love green flowers.
If I had a fake peach tree I'd be constantly disappointed!
John.g: glad you approve:)
Naomi: the orchid doesn't take up so much space which is a bonus.
Randall: brown thumbs and idle - in my case.
Eryl: yeas i feel the same about inedible fruit.
Excellent choice, Pat. It almost looks real from here.
Rashbre: sorry - I followed your link and seem to have lost your comment. Pity - you do have the most wonderful links.
I'm with R Sherman all the way!
Charlie: that's good to know:)
Sandy: you'll have to join the queue:)
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