Political Perceptions
The best argument
against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.
Winston Churchill
An appeaser is one who
feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.
Winston Churchill
He looks like a female
llama surprised while bathing.
Winston Churchill on Clement Atlee.
The House of Lords is
like a glass of champagne that has stood for five days.
Clement Atlee
Political pun:
Clement Freud calling Mrs Thatcher : Attila the hen.
You realise you are no
longer in Government when you get in the back of your car and it does not go
anywhere. MalcolmRifkind
My position on cake is pro- having it and pro-eating it. Boris Johnson.
The trouble with
socialism is you eventually run out of other people’s money. Mrs Thatcher.
Only two things are
necessary to keep one’s wife happy.
First let her think she is having her own way. And second, let her have it. Lyndon B Johnson
If ignorance is bliss,
then you must be one happy liberal.
American bumper sticker. The last
word may be interchangeable.
A Communist is one who
has nothing and wishes to share it with the world. Anon
Gordon Brown looking
like a bad tempered wardrobe in a suit.
Michael Deacon from whom I purloined the above from an
article he wrote on the newly published Dictionary
of Humorous Political Quotations edited by Fred Metcalf
Good quotes. My favorite: "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last." ~ Winston Churchill
'My position on cake is pro- having it and pro-eating it. Boris Johnson'.
I just love Boris. :)
Very true!
Granny Annie: that is a good one.
Lom: typical Boris.
John: which one- or all?
I must say I like a lot of these EXCEPT, the Ann Coulter quote. She is an Ultra Conservative Tea-Party A**Hole!! (Sorry for swearing on your Blog, my dear Pat...But, I just cannot abide her! If anything the quote should be about her. She claims to love America, but in actuality HATES Americans...! OY!
"Attila The Hen"...mean, but funny!
I quite like the Rifkind quote.
I'm not sure what Ann Coulter is trying to say / do.
Is she saying that American citizens who hold political views different from hers should be compared to a man who was accused of murder? What if Nicole had family / friends who are Liberals? How do they feel about what she said?
It's a strange way to persuade others to consider your point of view. It's a good way to alienate citizens.
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