The view from my bedroom.
The view from an attic window
A later view from attic window after tiles removed, procedures involving wood , nails and felt (shh darling - men talking - not all bad - he gets to to make all the tea and biscuits)
View from the garden - and while its there- new guttering and a face paint.
Whew, what a project! I'm sure it is all done very quietly...right?
All ship shape for winter!
Oh lord... I took the Face paint literally and was looking for a painted face in the picture... and then the penny dropped... I am fuzzy headed today.
Granny Annie: the main man has been with us for years and is kind and considerate - so one can't grumble about any discreet hammering.
Scarlet: I'm like that most days:)
Some project!
You see a house my dear lady, while I see a home.
Chef: house or home - I'd be lost without it.
Indeed hen, I feel exactly the same way about my corkscrew.
lovely home behind the scaffolding, sugar! i can see why you'd be lost without it! xoxoxox
It'll all be done by the winter, you can listen to the wind and the rain and know the house is warm and leak-proof!
Savannah: as my Dad used to say: 'I'll leave this house feet first.' He meant his house.
Z: I hope you are right but we have a hell of a lot of glass.
You are brave folk, my dear Pat....I know how disoriebting all of this kind of "Home Improvements" stuff can be....But, won't it be wonderful and cozy when it is ALL done?
Me too, Feet First, out of my wonderful home....!
It's gonna be luverly! What direction does that side of the house face? Sorry, but I can't see nice big windows like that without hoping they face south and would therefore make perfect places to raise seedlings.
Naomi: I didn't have any choice. House Maintenance is 'men's work' - I'm more a flowers and soft furnishings person.
Gadjo: south thank Heaven and the other big glassy area faces SE.
We are on North Hill.
Isn't amazing the way they put the scaffolding up? So clever. I bet you can't wait for it all to be done. ;)
Joey: I didn't watch actually. We have a sort of gentlemen's agreement that we let them get on with it - especially me. In return if I have a physical problem which neither of us can solve they will do it willingly.
Phew, house-maintenance can be painful. But it's going to be worth it when it's all done.
What a lovely house, Pat.
GG: thank you but with a house this size it never is all done:)
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