You know I've been burbling on about Diana Athill for some time now and have just finished her great book 'Life Class.'? Well tonight there is a documentary about her in the 'Imagine 'Series at 10.35pm on BBC 1 - TV
At 92 she is a best selling author starting at the age of 80. I'm excited that it is not just going to be a straight forward interview but she will actually revisit places from her past and people from her past will appear including her first love - better looking than she remembered - and also her last love.
If you don't get BBC - don't despair. Eryl ( see side bar) taught me that you can catch BBC programmes after they have been broadcast on BBC eye on your computer. I have done this so I'm hoping that being on the other side of the pond won't prevent you from seeing this programme. I do hope I'm right.
That's a date then . There'll be wine and bits;)
Uppa/photo shoot

So there's hope for me yet? Although it's slipping away with each turn of the calendar page.
10.35 is way past my bedtime but I will watch it tomorrow (on the eye) and look forward to it muchly.
UB: there is hope for us all. We just have to believe in ourselves and keep plugging away. No job for the faint-hearted.
Eryl: I could have sworn you were an owl. I'm just worried in case the flippin' football stymies it. If it does I shall scthreem and scthreem and scthreem!
I'll try to check it out after it is played. Thank you.
Maggie: I hope you manage it. It's about an hour.
I LOVE that it was NOT just a straight interview.
I would love to see it but I'm afraid I didn't understand what you have to do to get to it on the cimputer...Too tired to figure it out, I guess.
Naomi: if you Google BBC iPlayer and click on BBC1. When you see the range of programmes scroll down to the 29th of June and at 10.35pm click on Imagine. That should get it if you do it in the next day or two. Good luck:)
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