Grand mother but still a girl at heart. Married to MTL(my true love)after a separation of 30 years. Had three careers: trained paediatric nurse, National photographic model and business woman. Now settled in SW and enjoying our five children and ten grandchildren and making the most of what time we have left.
In January 2013 I lost MTL.
My wonderful father was delighted with the smallest gestures.
Granny Annie: and don't we miss them.
Is that your dad, Pat?
Mine has been gone for 20 years, and I miss him nearly every day.
Mine is gone 24 years and I miss him now as much as I did those first years! Thank you Pat. :¬)
Savannah: :)
Judy: it is indeed. Sorry about the quality.
Mapstew: that's awfully young to lose your Dad. xox
Wonderful Picture... It is lovely that you have such nice memories and pictures.
cheers, parsnip
Got several this morning, though I was the one who made the cinnamon roles.
Judy: sorry my dear - I missed that you lost your father so early.xox
Parsnip: the pictures are getting tattered but the memories aare stil sharp.
Randall: I hope you ad a great day. I didn't realise you were so talented.
One thing that always warms my heart is all three stepchildren always give me a card or send a text on father's day
Kim: I know how special that feels and it's a tribute to you.
I spent the day with Dad :-) Took him some freshly baked bread and chocolate pudding.
Thanks for sharing this picture of your father.
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