One of those creative Campanulas that find places you'd never even think of planting up! It had seeded itself into the mortar of the front of my sister's old house so that in early summer it looked like she'd painted everything under the window lilac blue.
It must be lovely to have a colourful garden, Pat. The few flowers we had are being trampled or pecked by the hens. Can't wait to fence off the 'back' garden for them to play in.
Parsnip: little chance of moving it - I think it's bonded to the path now. I hit the wrong letters all the time - sometimes I notice it and sometimes I don't.
Grand mother but still a girl at heart. Married to MTL(my true love)after a separation of 30 years. Had three careers: trained paediatric nurse, National photographic model and business woman. Now settled in SW and enjoying our five children and ten grandchildren and making the most of what time we have left.
In January 2013 I lost MTL.
One of those creative Campanulas that find places you'd never even think of planting up! It had seeded itself into the mortar of the front of my sister's old house so that in early summer it looked like she'd painted everything under the window lilac blue.
Such pretty blue flowers, a gift from nature.
The only thing in common with my garden is the old bag of sand! Lovely stuff Pat! :¬)
What do you do in the winter time? Do you ever consider moving to a climate that will allow you to do this year-round?
Kevin: I love it when that happens. I think fairies are involved but keep it to yourself.
Mickle: blue in the garden is heavenly.
Mapstew: we should be ashamed. It's been there for about a decade:)
UB: in the winter we shiver and grumble but I need the variety of seasons. Just now the climate is perfect.
It must be lovely to have a colourful garden, Pat. The few flowers we had are being trampled or pecked by the hens. Can't wait to fence off the 'back' garden for them to play in.
Love the way nature takes over and even the old bag of sand looks great.
don't mover it !
cheers, parsnip
I wanted to type, " don't move it "
hit two letters at once...
Sandy: the hens sound real bother boys;)
Parsnip: little chance of moving it - I think it's bonded to the path now. I hit the wrong letters all the time - sometimes I notice it and sometimes I don't.
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