Alice, the bride was like Royalty and Melvyn, the groom was a very gentle man - a solicitor from Rochdale. Mr Cooper on the right could have been a Romanov. My sister and I the two little bridesmaids on the right in our heavy gold satin.

Dad back row second from right, Uncle Bill front row second from left. Little boy peering through window Uncle Harold Mum as a mil...
I wonder how and why the singer chose this name?
GG: I've always been a fan - especially of 'Schools Out' when I left home.
I ought to try to find out
You both look very cute!!
I am struck by how large the bouquets were!
Judy: did you notice that - in addition the older bridesmaids have a floral thing dangling from their arms. Kissing balls?
Ahhh, delightful!
Gadjo: I've just remembered it was slipper satin - hence the weight.
I take it you're the one standing next to the bride?
Kim: yes and on my right is my elder sister. I was very pleased because Alice said I was the only junior bridesmaid who didn't stick her tummy out. In fact i didn't have one - that came later;)
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