Monday, November 12, 2007

The Quay Inn -formerly the Red Lion

The Shepherd's smock is made of heavy linen cut from a single bolt of cloth. The smock is identical on both sides and could be swapped back to front when soiled. The sun bonnet and petticoat are mid 1800. the infant's dress is of fine lawn and pillow lace.

The delicacy of the black lace and jet beaded ball dress of 1890 belie the structure if metal stays, stout fastening and stiff backking. It could stand alone.

Maria Cape's coat and skirt. You can see the audience are neat and tidy.
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neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I almost forgot to say how much I love vintage clothes. Shoes. Handbags. If I were to visit England again, I'd dive into those shops, even if it's just to look. I'm a fabric-holic.

Pat said...

GG; you can still find some in charity shops but there are vintage shops also - very expensive.