Last night I was looking forward to Drama of the Week
-David Hare's Page Eight on BBC2
I had heard it had a wonderful cast with Michael Gambon, Bill Nighy
Rachel Weisz and Alice Krige to name a few. The story was quite gripping and elegant and then suddenly I saw a familiar face. As a student nurse in the forties I met a little seven year old who captured my heart. He came from a warm, loving family and they welcomed me into their home and treated me like an elder daughter. They came to my wedding and later when the little boy became an actor I loved seeing him on stage. I haven't seem him for many years and when I saw him last night it was like seeing his late father again. My little boy was this fine distinguised looking man.

Bruce Myers by Geraint Lewis.
Oh, how exciting to see him now in his acting career! Did you get to speak with him at all?
That has to be thrilling to see someone you love on the big screen. I remember watching a TV show starring Clint Walker in the 60's. I think the name of it was Cheyenne. Anyway the bartender came on and my mother calmly announced this guy was her dance partner at college. I just remember his real name was Oliver something. He had a regular role on the weekly show and it fascinated me to know he had danced with my mother. I'm not sure if the story fascinated my dad or not. lol
first things first - yes, indeed, a very distinguished gentleman! very! ok, now where was i? - oh, about your encounter! how marvelous for you - what a visit from yesteryear! but surely, you could not possibly have been a student nurse in the forties, dear lady! you must have yourself confused with someone else! ;)
Ponita: no it was filmed on TV. I kept in touch with his mother for years but fear she must be dead now. Bruce lives in France now I think.
I've got this recorded. I'll be watching extra carefully now!
Good eye, Pat!
What a treat! I knew many, many actors, musicians, artists, etc., during my salad days in Manhattan but none of them succeed in the business on a grand scale. The odds are a million to one. Talent isn't enough.
Its great to see someone you know 'pop up' like this - admittedly somewhat more grown up!
I also enjoyed that Page Eight drama.
How exciting, to have that connection and now seeing him again after all these years.
It just makes everything better.
Was his father or mother an actor ?
You must see quite a few friends and people you have worked with popping up on the TV and movies.
cheers, parsnip
Granny Annie: I think we all have a few revelations which we can choose to share with our children - or not:)
Gypsywoman: it's no secret that I was born in 1930 - so easy to remember.
Macy: it's a small but telling part. I was proud of him.
Pearl: some faces you never forget.
UB: Bruce has travelled all over the world taking theatre to - for instance - remote parts of Africa with the great Peter Brook. He's not the type of actor to be interested in fame.
Rashbre: I really enjoyed it apart from Bill N kissing Rachel W. But that's just me.
Parsnip: no it wasn't an acting family. His father was a hardworking solicitor and his mother busy with four children and helping in the office. Bruce came home with me once - as a little boy - and was agog when I made up stories about the caves near us. He asked me - aged seven - if I was really a Christian. When I asked him why he said because he couldn't marry me then as he was Jewish.
my dear lady - to say that your beauty belies your years is such an understatement of reality! lifestyle wise, whatever you have done and continue to do, brava!!! magnificently done! [roses onto your stage!]
Gypsywoman: thank you for the lovely roses:)
...perhaps he wrote it in as a performance condition?
Rashbre: my theory is that Hare regards Nighy as his alter ego - rather like Simon Gray did with Alan Bates. So - living vicariously would kiss Rachel.
I know - I'm nuts!
lovely story, sugar! it's always a treat to see someone you know on tv or in a film. xoxoxox
Savannah: it was a treat for sure.xoxox
OHHHH, How thrilling, Pat....So very special! And this CAST sounds FANTASTIC!!! I hope it comes here to our PBS Stations....I will look for your "boy".....!
Naomi: Bruce plays the heroine's father and has a brief but telling moment - and held his own amongst the starry cast.
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