Grand mother but still a girl at heart. Married to MTL(my true love)after a separation of 30 years. Had three careers: trained paediatric nurse, National photographic model and business woman. Now settled in SW and enjoying our five children and ten grandchildren and making the most of what time we have left.
In January 2013 I lost MTL.
Just like her Grandma :)
Kim: I'm not sure what she'd think about that:)
It's good to see your adventurous spirit has been passed down the line.
Eryl: oh that's where it's gone. I did wonder.
It appears she's having a good time. Don't you think her grandmother would look good on the rappel or the mule for that matter?
I have no sense of adventure to pass on to children or grandchildren. Some of our eight have no fear and it worries me. Your granddaugter is a beauty.
Great stuff! Well done her!
In agreement with Kim and Eryl, you can see where she gets it from and gorgeous just like you too!
My idea of a day off from the orphanage would be reading a book under a tree. But that's just me, not a whit of adventure.
I can imagine you rappelling, but on the back of a mule takes a lot more imagination.
Randall: I don't think so;)
Granny Annie: thank you. she makes up for my daughterless state.
John.G: thank you xox.
Nea: I'm learning to accept compliments graciously:)
Charlie: I always felt safe rappelling but sooner or later I came off horses - painfully.
What a GREAT Beauty....Looks like she inherited a certsain person's genes, my dear Pat....! She is very brave, too....!
I'm back on-line with my own refurbished (Hooray) Computer. And finally have a NEW Post up.
Naomi: she is much braver than her Grandma.
She's gorgeous. And so very daring, what a combination. Will she become a model too? Or be in the movies?
GG: her passion is children. She's just off to Uni and wants to teach.
But then I started out with children so who knows?
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