Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010

The garden was alive with them yesterday evening and I wondered if it was to investigate the new gleaming patch of water which Mick our handy man left in the broken bird bath he has just repaired.
I discover they have two sets of wings which work separately so the front wings will go up whilst the rear ones go down.
The largest in in Costa Rica with a wing span of 7 1/2 inches although prehistoric ones were measured in feet.
Their main predators are birds and they themselves catch mosquities and gnats mid flight and devour then so they should be encouraged.
Their eyes had 30,000 lenses.
In Australia their speed had been clocked at 36 mph and in China they are called 'Old Glassy.'
All the garden furniture has been painted, the main gate has stopped dragging its feet and the fence down the steps has beeen anchored. The dodgy locks have been fixed and my arbour repaired. Now he's gone so we had a lie in today (8am) - to hopefully return for the many, many indoor jobs when the weather deteriorates.
Good news - our French son is coming over in August and Joy, Jackie and I have railway tickets to visit Margaret in Cheltenham for the day. We have everything crossed that we'll actually make it.
I don't advertise - in spite of blandishments - but along with Tesco's pork and apple sausages, whhich some of you knew about already their miniature Cornish Pasties make brilliant 'bits' with drinks.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The sausages looked burnt but in fact were caramelised (my DIL said) and honestly it all tasted delicious and not a scrap left over and people had seconds. We are told we really should get a micro wave oven and it is beginning to make sense. Just another thing to get the hang of.
It's going to be a very busy week and I would be grateful for good thoughts on Thursday - nothing I can talk about but I do believe in good vibes from the blogosphere and have seen it in action many times over the last four years.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
We have always had a soft spot for Watchet – a harbour town with a brand new marina just along the coast from us. Its main claim to fame is that Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote the Ancient Mariner whilst travelling through there and Daniel Defoe was fascinated by the fossils and geology of the coastline. I have previously written about Coleridge and the
We gave the familiar
The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.
The Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1722-1834)
How can one get hold of Firefox to request that they desist bouncing me off line, and to refrain from installing updates which I do not require when I am in the middle of a complicated posting. I mean REALLY!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Lunch on the terrace with a noisy peacock whose tail had seen better days.
The lovely garden behind the hotel
The boys helped me across these slippery stepping stones
Whilst climbing these rocks Tom - fully clothed fell in - twice. Just as well I was higher on the beach and missed it. His father had his camera at the ready but laughed so much he couldn't focus
Here they are coming down from a previous scramble which - again fortunately for my peace of mind - I missed
This was a bee hive like shelter where Tom examined the damage to his phone. Even a night on the Aga didn't help. Fortuitously the weather was warm as Tom was sodden up to his armpits
We walked back up the valley for hot drinks at the Hunter's Inn.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Friday, July 09, 2010
She’s no Nelle
Andrew Smith was 13 when he first read ‘To kill a Mockingbird’ and says it was the first book he really loved. It was written fifty years ago, won the Pulitzer Prize and has sold over 30 million copies. Nelle Harper Lee born in 1926 wrote it as Harper Lee, as her sister explained ‘She didn’t want be called Nelle and believe me - she’s no Nelle.’
A private person, she was a ghostly presence when Andrew visited her home town -
Although Lee denies the story is autobiographical it is told by ‘Scout’ a young tomboy having adventures with her brother Jem and best friend Dill who is said to be based on her friend and neighbour Truman Capote. Scout’s father is a lawyer and Lee’s father was a newspaper editor and a lawyer. I remember being entranced when I saw the film in the sixties and having seen it again this week I long to read the book which even now is winging its way to me, courtesy of Amazon.
After all the publicity and the success of the book people wondered why she never wrote another. But why would you? How do you follow that?
An important part of the story is the white lawyer – Scout’s father, defending a black man, falsely accused of rape and failing to convince the white jury of his innocence. Although Atticus feels they have a strong chance of winning an appeal it ends in tragedy. The other main thread is when the children are in mortal danger from the evil father of the girl who lied about the alleged rape. Boo the strange recluse shunned by most of the townsfolk appears in the forest and saves their lives.
In the film Gregory Peck is just right as Atticus – the father of Scout and all the cast - especially the children are totally believable. The strange eerie character of Boo is played by a young Robert Duvall.
Andrew remembered that his parents had been shocked in the fifties when they took a Greyhound bus to the south from
It seems to me the book is about the best and the worst of human beings and although much has changed since then ignorance, intolerance and prejudice still exist everywhere.
I remember when my daddy gave me that gun. He told me that I should never point it at anything in the house. And that he'd rather I'd shoot at tin cans in the backyard, but he said that sooner or later he supposed the temptation to go after birds would be too much, and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted, if I could hit 'em, but to remember it was a sin to kill a mockingbird...Well, I reckon because mockingbirds don't do anything but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat people's gardens, don't nest in the corncribs, they don't do one thing but just sing their hearts out for us.~
When a school tried to ban her book Lee had this to say:
Recently I have received echoes down this way of the
Surely it is plain to the simplest intelligence that “To Kill a Mockingbird” spells out in words of seldom more than two syllables a code of honor and conduct, Christian in its ethic, that is the heritage of all Southerners. To hear that the novel is "immoral" has made me count the years between now and 1984, for I have yet to come across a better example of doublethink.
I feel, however, that the problem is one of illiteracy, not Marxism. Therefore I enclose a small contribution to the Beadle Bumble Fund that I hope will be used to enroll the Hanover County School Board in any first grade of its choice
You have to admire her.