What aould I do without Japanese anenome?
This is an annual sweet pea whichis growing up my Stellata
This is the rampant everlasting sweet pea in foreground.
Dad back row second from right, Uncle Bill front row second from left. Little boy peering through window Uncle Harold Mum as a mil...
Okay! Now what is a STELATTA???
I feel really dumb about all this....RSP and STELATTA....I am learning two new things this A.M.
Lovely Lovely Lovely, my dear.
Naomi: a Stellata is a type of Magnolis with a white flower with spindly petals. RSP - rampant sweet pea.
We once had a pink Japanese anemone in a corner of our garden, which gave us a lovely splash of colour from midsummer until the first frost. The problem is that it is a thoroughly invasive plant and increases in area every year.Worthwhile, but has to have an eye kept on it. Regards, Mike.
Mike: yes I have discovered that, as it was here when we came in '85 but I have managed to encourage it in a bed that gets all next door's bramble and ground elder -and anything's better than that:)
I would LOVE to have sweet peas! Alas, the growing season here is short as the heat just kills them off!
Kanani: that's a shame. It's so nice to cut them and have them fragrance the house.
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