Monday, November 22, 2010

Sir Peter Hall - 80 today.
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Mary Witzl said...

At this stage of MY life too, happiness often comes down to a good book and the promise of more to come -- tell me that's not a bad thing!

Happiness can be elusive, but most of the time I find it in my garden -- plants that didn't die during the winter, blue tits on the bird feeder even though the cats killed one the other day (I've put the feeder much higher since and bought a squirt gun for the cats), a good book to read, hiking boots that fit, and the odd game of Balderdash or Quiddler (like Scrabble, but much faster and more fun). And occasionally, wine and cheese or the odd bar of chocolate -- or a good, helpful rejection letter. Little things like that matter so much to me now.

I'm sure that if I'd read what I've just written about happiness in my 20s or 30s, I'd have been horrified. Now I'm convinced that one of the joys and triumphs of life is taking real pleasure in small things.

I'll be looking out for Carol Burnett's book! A memoir that can make me laugh is high up on my reading list.

Pat said...

Mary W: lots of good ideas there Mary. As I would expect from you.

Mary Witzl said...

I just realized I posted this in the wrong place! Sigh... Let's just hope I get to keep reading for a long time to come, despite these all too frequent glitches.

Pat said...

Mary W: I found it and it's not your fault. Sometimes I have to do the photos separately.