Saturday, September 25, 2010

Who remembers this?


Kim Ayres said...

I think it's ideal for Mapstew to add to his repertoire

Pat said...

Kim; he does like the oldies;)

mapstew said...

Just wonderful!

This makes me remember Sunday afternoons watching B&W fillums on the one channel available, all of us kids lying belly-down on the floor, heads in hands, staring at the goggle-box! Thanks Pat.
(And yes Kim. this may well go into my rep, for I do indeed have a fondness for the oldies!) :¬)


OldLady Of The Hills said...

I'm not familiar with the performers, though I have heard the somg somewhere before---The images were all sort of faxinating--The language(s), too?
You do find the most delightful songs, my dear Pat.

sablonneuse said...

Yes, I do remember hearing the song quite a lot but not where or who sang it.

Pat said...

Mapstew: glad to be of service:)

Naomi: this interpretation was new to me but I preferred it to the others - including Judy Garland's.

Sandy: I sang it - still know the words - when I was about eleven.

dinahmow said...

Pat...I've seen you around the blogs for years. How come I never put your URL in my reader? That's a mystery of the universe!
Maybe Ol' Blue Eyes nudged me?

Pat said...

Dinahmow: better late than never. You are very welcome. Don't be a stranger;)