A street in Bath
The Theatre Royal on the left and Beau Brummel's house on the right - now a restaurant
Dear Margaret - how I shall miss her.
Dad back row second from right, Uncle Bill front row second from left. Little boy peering through window Uncle Harold Mum as a mil...
What a beautiful area, and Margaret is lovely. Sorry you are losing a friend.
I have only been to Bath once many years ago and thought it quite lovely. The day looks beautiful.
What a nice time with your close friends, because of my move I do know how you all feel.
Judy: losing her geographically - but we'll be friends till it's curtains. DV.
I have a friend I haven't seen in years yet we share so much via email. Long live the Internet.
Bath. Chaucer. The two are linked forever in my head though I don't think I read that particular story.
GG: yes - life would be very dull without it.
Bath to me is pure Jane Austen.
Ah, Beau Brummel's house! Looks like the two of you had a very nice day. Great photographs!
Kanani: we had a ball:)
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