Since I planted this clematis Marie Boisselot I have suffered intense frustration at its habit of immediately shooting skywards to the top of the arbour making it invisinble even from the balcony. One of the montanas does the same thing but I can see that from above. This spring I remembered to tweak it round a climbing rose and voila!
I now have nine clematis. That great gardener Christopher Lloyd says:-
"Clematis do not relish isolation. They are sociable, flourishing on a modicum of competition, good mixers enjoying the company of their neighbours. ( Now and again they may happen to smother and kill one of these, but 'with no offence in the world'.)
Now you can't say fairer then that can you?
That's a beautiful one. I used to have a huge white one on a trellis at my mailbox, but the yard men kept on cutting it (accidentally, they said) with the weed-eater. I finally gave up and now there is nothing planted out there.
Judy : I do find men tend to be destructive in a garden! There are so many lovely clematis to choose from and now is the time. Not that I'm trying to influence you:)
Tougher n they look n all. Had the fence replaced last year n they dug up a clematis that was too wrapped around the old one. It's growing back as I speak. Well chuffed.
4d: I wonder which it is? Poppies also are pretty indestructible. And one old clematis which pre-dates us pops up when it pleases, sometimes disappearing for year. I think it is a Nellie Moser but I have just put a
North Star alongside it so she'll have to look to her laurels.
It looks so exotic, Balinese or Hawaiian - more likely to be seen behind the ear of a South Sea maiden than an English country garden. It's beautiful - good tweaking!
I'm not sure I've ever seen one before, it's very lovely!
Sam: I think it goes completely white when its fully open but I love it like this. Bit big for my ear though:)
Kath: its the first time I have seen it close to.
Very nice. A week ago all the cherry blossom trees were in bloom. The next day I went out with my brand spanking new camera, and guess what, they’d all bloody wilted in the heat wave. . .typical!
Tant pis CQ. C'est la vie! Re where you were I was confused when you mentioned Edinburgh. I think.
"invisinble" That's a nice new word Pat. I like it, it describles something that is both invisible and invincible. I shall certainly use it in my next prison report. That will impress the boss!
wendy: nothing to do with the fact that the bulb over my desk was defunct yesterday:) Sounds like you have an interesting job.
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