Thirties wedding - small bridesmaids Maddie and P on right
The little ones wore gold satin. Mine then, was Sunday best and I was wearing it when Chamberlain told us on the wireless that we were at war. The big bridesmaids wore Marina blue - a sort of pale turquoise - named after the very popular Princess Marina, who was Greek and who married Prince George - later Duke of Kent (father to the present one) They were a beautiful couple and lived the high life. Tragically he was killed when his plane came down in Scotland.
The other night I discovered that a sweet elderly lady at my writing class was a Barnado's girl and had been for many years nursery maid to the same couple. She adored the Duke. Less so the Duchess. Just my luck the class ends this week!

The little ones wore gold satin. Mine then, was Sunday best and I was wearing it when Chamberlain told us on the wireless that we were at war. The big bridesmaids wore Marina blue - a sort of pale turquoise - named after the very popular Princess Marina, who was Greek and who married Prince George - later Duke of Kent (father to the present one) They were a beautiful couple and lived the high life. Tragically he was killed when his plane came down in Scotland.
The other night I discovered that a sweet elderly lady at my writing class was a Barnado's girl and had been for many years nursery maid to the same couple. She adored the Duke. Less so the Duchess. Just my luck the class ends this week!

Grab her by the elbow and say we must get together sometime. Like, how about now?
What a wonderful photo. Are the larger girls carrying flower muffs? They are coming back into style.
Hoss: I'll do just that on Wednesday.
kenju: No I'm fairly sure they were large bouquets.
I love it when you guys make that quote, how you stood still and remember everything about how he said- wait a minute I've done my homework with my daddy- ' ...received word this morning that Hitler has invaded Checkoslovakia. As a result, Britain is now at war with Germany'....it's like us, we recall everything about the moment we heard princess Diana had been killed.
fjl: I could be wrong - I often am, but I had it in my mind that it was Poland. But I'm not going to check.(no pun intended)
A hug for your daddy.
Ho ho, yes, this is information I got first as a little girl so I could easily suddenly misremember. xx
Thanks and I'll pass on the hug x My Special agent dad will call me a disgrace for misremembering, and put on the face he once put on when he took me to Heathrow, "what's that" I said absent mindedly, " it's a radar" he responds :0)
Oooh, I love that photo.
Yes, do keep in touch with her, the Barnado's girl.
GG: I will and hope to see her when the class starts again.
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