Just after you were born your Mum asked your Dad to buy a little duck for your bath and he came back with two.
'Two swans for a princess,' he said.
We are all looking forward to your return from America.
Lots of love
Dad back row second from right, Uncle Bill front row second from left. Little boy peering through window Uncle Harold Mum as a mil...
Happy Birthday to Alice!
Happy Birthday to Alice.
Let there be cake !
cheers, parsnip
Parsnip: I expect there has been cake. She is in N.Y. with her boy friend or just left for Chicago. She is finishing her year at Florida Uni with a grand tour:)
The world is indeed her oyster. The future's so bright...
Carmi: all fingers crossed.
Happy birthday, Alice! Your grandma's so proud of you and I can see why.
What a lovely photo, Pat, she looks like sunshine.
Oh...! A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALICE!!! I love that story about the ducks....So very sweet!
I hope the U.S. and our sometimes disgusting values (SEE: The Kardashians) did not taint her. She looks like such a lovely sweet girl!
You must be very proud Pat....!
Dear Gramma, you leave me smiling.
Yes, it's a lovely picture - is Alice in the recording studio there?
Definitely a beauty deserving of swans! Happy Birthday Alice:)
GG: I told her Dad this and he said
'Good ole GG.'
The 'ole' is nothing to do with age:)
Naomi: I think she has loved her time in America but am sure she is ready for home now. I haven't seen her for over a year. Too long.
Mage: that's good Mage.
Gadjo: no in the UK - at her Uni I believe.
Granny Annie: she is having a high old time travelling round America with her lovely boy friend and then coming home after a year at Florida Uni. Her boyfriend is a Brit BTW and has just finished Uni in the UK - where they met.
Joey: I hope she reads all the lovely wishes.
Pat, haha, I like to think I'm a good ol' egg :-D
Seriously, young people like Alice, and my siblings' and cousins' children, give me hope.
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